Saturday, July 13, 2013

Training 7-11-13

7-10-13 REST DAY

A. Clean and Jerk - build to max - video max
135# thrusters x 20
20 COVP chin ups
20 burpees


A. 280# C&J - - Felt like I caught the clean really low, but the video doesn't look terrible. Jerk felt solid.
AMRAP 20: 3 rds + 3. Fucking died. Gamed it out from the start. The thrusters on round 3 took me 4.5 minutes. The COVP pullups threw me a little bit, but it was minor compared to how much i sucked on the thrusters and burpees.

My PC hasn't felt great all week. I don't know if maxing on my clean 3 times this week has blown me out or what.

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