Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Training 7/23

A. Power Clean Cluster 1.1.1 x 6 rest 10-15 sec b/t reps, 3 mins b/t sets
B. Build to a max jerk from blocks
Airdyne all out 15 sec, rest 3 mins x 4
rest 6 mins after 4th set
Airdyne all out 15 sec, rest 3 mins x 4


A. 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255
final set

B. Somehow I totally missed this when reading the programming. I'll make this up early next week before percentage work.

1. 15 cal, 1109 watts
2. 13 cal, 1051 watts
3. 15 cal, 995 watts
4. 13 cal, 942 watts

5. 13 cal, 968 watts
6. 13 cal, 865 watts
7. 12 cal, 890 watts
8. 11 cal, 865 watts

Training 7/22

7/21 - REST DAY

7/22: 60 min row for max meters
Record body weight before.


Body weight- 184 lbs. (CF STL scale)

Row- 14,034 meters

Splits, every 12 mins:
1. 2840m, 2:06.7 pace, 17spm
2. 2775m, 2:11.1 pace, 18 spm
3. 2672m, 2:14.7 pace, 18 spm
4. 2783m, 2:09.3 pace, 20 spm
5. 2995m, 2:00.2 pace, 24 spm

Total: 14,034m, 2:08.2 pace, 19 spm

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Training 7/20

A. Build to a tough single squat clean from high blocks in 10 mins. Not a 1RM.
3 RFT:
25 kb swings, 2 pd
25 burpees


A. 245#, felt solid. Block height was on the upper thigh.

3 RFT - 7:46, all kb UB. Did an extra kb swing in the first round b/c I lost count. Burpees were steady.

Training 7/19

A. Build to a max strict press
B. Build to a max weighted chin up
C. Build to an 8RM seated DB external rotation with 3 count down - each arm
D. Build to an 8RM seated DB Powell raise with 3 count down - each arm
10 mins of Z1 rowing


A. 165, almost had 170. I never do strict press and this is pretty much where I seem to sit with it.
B. 100 fully legit, 105 with a little kick at the top. Double overhand. I tried to supinate, but that hurt my wrist pretty bad.
C. left 20#, right 20#
D. left 25#, right 25# - hit 30# on each arm as well (only 7 reps on right arm), but i felt like I was using some momentum
Rowing was done.

Training 7/17 - 7/18

7/17 - Z1 day. Missed this. Had a long day at work and a lot of stuff to get done at the house.

7/18 -
A. Build to a max back squat
rest 3-5 mins
B. AMRAP @ 85% of part A
150 wall balls for time


A. 375# -
B. 6 reps @ 320#, should have hit 7 -

150 wall balls for time - I think this was the worst Karen I have ever had. 7:43. Went 25-25-15-10 and then fell off badly from there. Was doing sets of 5 by then end. Wall balls are one of my least favorite movements... probably because I suck at them.

Training 7/13 - 7/16

7/14 - REST DAY

7/15 - Z1 day. 20 minutes on the airdyne then 20 minutes of mobility focusing on lower body (quads, hips, hamstrings).

7/16 -
A. Build to a max close grip bench press.
rest 3-5 mins
B. AMRAP @ 85% of part A

rest as needed

30 muscle ups for time


A. 250# -
B. 7 reps @ 215# -

30 MUs for time - N/A. I hit 28 reps at 3:13 and tore both hands. Didn't want to affect my training for the rest of the week so I stopped there. Tried to stay on pace with sets of 5 every 30 seconds. Stayed on it through 20 reps but then fell off from there. Was still on pace to beat my old PR of 3:45.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Training 7-13-13

7-12-13 REST DAY

A. Snatch - build to max - video max
rest as needed
77% of Part A - 20 reps for time squat snatch - video all
rest as needed
Row 500m
rest 90 sec
Row 500m
(goal is best 1k score with highest output per 500m)


A. Snatch - 200#

Didn't have it today. 20# under my max from last week. Didn't feel like I had a strong pull all day.

20 snatches @ 155# (77% of 200#)

This went pretty well I think. First ten felt fast. Slowed some on the last ten but still felt pretty good. Had I maxed where I did last week then I would have been doing this at 170# which would have been very different.

Row 500/rest 90/Row 500 - 1:36.7, 1:40.1 = 1k time of 3:16.8. Gamed out the first 500 a little so that I could repeat pretty well on the second. On the second effort I was holding about the same pace as the first until about 250m in.

First week of testing is done. I've learned that my training for the last three months has put me exactly where it should have. It was a weightlifting emphasis and I'm performing pretty well on the weightlifting testing (with the exception of the snatch fail today). I've had a major lack of conditioning for the last three months and it is showing. I can put in a good effort in the 5 minute and under range, but anything long or anything that I have to repeat sucks. My body can't recover quickly enough right now.

Training 7-11-13

7-10-13 REST DAY

A. Clean and Jerk - build to max - video max
135# thrusters x 20
20 COVP chin ups
20 burpees


A. 280# C&J - - Felt like I caught the clean really low, but the video doesn't look terrible. Jerk felt solid.
AMRAP 20: 3 rds + 3. Fucking died. Gamed it out from the start. The thrusters on round 3 took me 4.5 minutes. The COVP pullups threw me a little bit, but it was minor compared to how much i sucked on the thrusters and burpees.

My PC hasn't felt great all week. I don't know if maxing on my clean 3 times this week has blown me out or what.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Training for 7-9-13

3 rds @ max effort:
250 m row
15 KBS 2pd
25 burpees
15 KBS 2pd
250 m row
rest 12 min b/t sets
(score is times/set) - video last set only


Round 1: 3:54, felt good. first row was about 1:30 pace, kb ub, burps in 60 sec, kb ub, row at 1:45 pace

Round 2: 5:03, FML. Felt like I pussed out this round. First row 1:43 pace, kb ub, burps in 90-100 seconds, kb ub, 2nd row at 2:03 pace. Stopped to chalk up before swings on this one too.

Round 3: 4:57, Felt better on this round even though my time didn't really show it. 1st row at 1:45 pace, kb ub, burps in 90 sec, kb ub, 2nd row at 2:05 pace. Video -

I couldn't believe how terrible this was. Again, my posterior chain was fried. I felt like I had no pull on any of the second rows. This just shows my lack of conditioning right now. At a high heart rate, I'm good for 5 mins and under but I have nothing after that.


Sleep: 7 hours last night


9 am - 5 oz sweet potatoes, 3 strips bacon, 2 oz sausage, SFH fish oil

12 noon - 2 cups white rice, 10 spears asparagus, 6 oz chicken, Blonyx

4 pm - 3 oz chicken, 1 avocado, 1 medium apple

7 pm - 30g protein, 6 oz water, banana, Blonyx

10 pm - 6 oz chicken, 12 spears asparagus, 5 oz red potatoes

Monday, July 8, 2013

Training 7-8-13

A. Squat Clean - build to a max 
rest 5 min
B. 90% max in part A - amrap reps in 8 min
rest 15 min
C. 50 HSPU for time - strict
(video A max, B all 8 min and last 10 reps of C)


Training done at CF STL @ 5pm

A. 215,235,255,275,285F

REST 5 mins

B. 245# - 17 for 18 (missed final rep) -

REST 20 mins

C. 4:31 - gamed it to 5 reps every :20 for as long as possible. Make it through 30 on pace, 35 in about 2:38ish, and the final 15 went 5-3-3-2-1-1. Final 15 reps -

Cleans felt heavy today probably because I just maxed C&J on Saturday. My posterior chain was fried as the AMRAP went on. Coming out of the squat got pretty tough and that taxed me metabolically. There were times when I had to rest for 30-35 seconds which I wasn't happy about. The HSPUs felt pretty good considering I haven't done strict HSPUs in over a year. I was happy to stay with consistent 5s for awhile. This has never been a strength of mine.

Sleep: I got 7 hours with an additional hour of me snoozing the alarm every ten minutes.

Food: I drank most of my food today.

8am - 40g protein with 12 ounces of whole milk, 3 tbsp SFH fish oil

1pm - 8 ounces turkey (not deli), 1 cup green beans, 1 cup baked beans, 1 liter water

2:30pm - Kill Cliff, Blonyx

4:30pm - 40g protein, 6 ounces water, 1 large green apple

7pm - Core Power protein drink (27 g PRO, 28 carbs/26 sugars), Vitamin Water (33g carbs/32 sugars)

11pm - 2 cups white rice, 1 brat, 3 strips bacon, hot sauce, 12 ounces whole milk

Finally cooked a metric shit-ton of food for the week. My nutrition should be much better from now on.